
I'm Tinotenda Mhedziso

A Junior Software Developer

About Me

I'm pursuing a Bachelor of Information Technology and have a strong foundation from high school . My main strength is C# . Programming is like defeating a tough video game boss: challenging but achievable with persistence. I'm here to help with your challenge.

Technologies I work with

Learning Activities

High School
Victoria Park High School [2018-2022]
Academic Reward
  • Academic top 10
  • Head Prefect
  • President of The Representative Council of Learners
Academic Activities
  • Chess
  • Robotics and Coding
Nelson Mandela University [2023-2025]
Bachelor's degree
Information Technology
Academic Activities
  • Computer Society Executive

Work Experience

Society Experience
Events Coordinator of the NMU Computer Society [2024]
Working Experience
Oasis Infobyte Junior Web Development Intern [2024]


Game Development

Game development is the art of creating innovative applications that offer a level of challenge and reward the Player for overcoming that challenge. I do not offer this service professionally rather as a hobby, I craft story driven concepts into entertaining creations.

Database Design and Development

In a data centered age, Databases facilitate the storage, retrieval and manipulation of Important Information to ensure the results are obtained timeously. As a Database administrator, I ensure that the data warehousing of your entity is optimised and operational at all times.

Windows Applications Development

Windows is the most used operating system currently and the software that is available for Windows grows extensively by the minute. Modernise your business entity by including desktop application for a more professional experience.

Web Applications Development

The online presence of a business can be made or broken by various factors, one of those crucial factors is a website. A website is not merely a page lost on the internet, It is a hub for your daily transactions and a selling point for your entity. Allow me to sell your idea for you... digitally.


This is a fictional newspaper publication company built by Tinotenda Mhedziso

Seventh Floor Media Limited

A fictional company website built on the concept of modern newspaper publication through a dark lense. Current Version: Released Built with: HTML5,CSS and JavaScript Development Environment: Visual Studio Code Author:@PassionOverPain

This is a real Tutoring company built by Tinotenda Mhedziso

The Learning Curve

The Learning Curve is a tutoring company owned by Lance Kupeta . Their team is loacated in Johannesburg and offer comprehensive academic classes. I have built The Learning Curve website and continue to integrate new functionality. Current Version: Released Built with: HTML5,CSS3, Email Js and JavaScript Development Environment: Visual Studio Code Author:@PassionOverPain, @LanceKupeta (Founder)

This is a budget friendly application built by Tinotenda Mhedziso


CreateIT is a budget friendly application built on the concept that users can create reciepes based on ingriedents that they currently have. Current Version: Prototype Built with: C# Development Environment: Visual Studio Author:@PassionOverPain

Contact Me